Friday, 28 December 2012

Shiba Inu dogs

The Shebaa Inoue is the smallest dog breeds six original Japanese. The breed originally bred for hunting in the mountains. It is one of the oldest breeds of dog, originally bred to hunt rabbits and rinse and mice and other small animals. Race Declared a national monument in Japan in 1936. During World War II, the breed became almost extinct due to shelling and moodiness. Ancestors survived three brought the first Shiba Inu to the United States in 1954, and in 1992 was recognized by the American Kennel Club breed.
Inoue Shebaa are 13-17 inches tall and weighs 17 to 23 pounds. Double layer Inoue Shebaa under dense than directly. Shield can be red, black and tan, or sesame (red with black hair at the tip), cream, beige, gray or scalp. Can white coat creamy, but it is rare.

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